Super-crazy assassin bug

Just when you thought you’d seen every survival and predatory technique that the nature has to offer, a new organism with a new strategy comes along to make you realize how little we actually know and how much more we have to discover. On that note, The Ark In Space reports that a wildly inventive bug indigenous to Malaysia actually carries around the carcasses of its previous prey on its back in an effort to intimidate  would-be predators:



HTML9 responsive boilerstrap JS

While I have nothing but respect for the creators of such wonderfully useful tools as Twitter’s Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate, this parody is right on point in its mockery of such buzzword-laden development frameworks, another of which seems to spring into existence every single day.

My favorite part, excerpted from the FAQ:

4. Can I install it as a nodegem?

It works in RubeGoldberg 2.2 but will not autocompile freeway buttmonkey merge svn commitshare javahunk.